A lot of us have daddy issues. Seems like our generation is, more than any other before, filled with absent (alive) dads, single mothers or blended families...
The place of the male figure in a child life is at least as important as the female's one, and is not to be taken lightly, for both boys and girls, in equal importance but different manners. Growing up "looking for a Dad", knowing all along that he is alive and somewhere, near or far, may be a disturbing experience. It may help some to build their lives in a more solid manner, so that they won't repeat the pattern; but it cetainly creates a void and unbalances in a very strong way the life of the abandoned child.
So what is it that made so many fathers "quit their jobs" as parents? Despite being divorced or separated from the mother of their children, they should never forget that the little ones need them, as flawed as they may be, as imperfect as they may be. They have to realize that, it comes a time in a child's life, no matter how good a parent they may be, they will always seem imperfect to their kids. And they are right, because we are not perfect, we all commit many mistakes. But we have to learn from them...
With your children, you do your best and try to work with what you are given... but you DO IT... It's better to be wrong about something you did thinking it was the best for your children than not to do anything at all... Because when they grow up to become parents in their own right, they understand the sacrifices, the struggle, the difficulty that it is to be a parent and raise a child in this crazy world that gets crazier by the minute. And they will be thankful. But in order for you to have it, you have to do something, to provide love and care and protection and warmth and your best shot to make them happy... Before it's too late... Before it's too late...
The place of the male figure in a child life is at least as important as the female's one, and is not to be taken lightly, for both boys and girls, in equal importance but different manners. Growing up "looking for a Dad", knowing all along that he is alive and somewhere, near or far, may be a disturbing experience. It may help some to build their lives in a more solid manner, so that they won't repeat the pattern; but it cetainly creates a void and unbalances in a very strong way the life of the abandoned child.
So what is it that made so many fathers "quit their jobs" as parents? Despite being divorced or separated from the mother of their children, they should never forget that the little ones need them, as flawed as they may be, as imperfect as they may be. They have to realize that, it comes a time in a child's life, no matter how good a parent they may be, they will always seem imperfect to their kids. And they are right, because we are not perfect, we all commit many mistakes. But we have to learn from them...
With your children, you do your best and try to work with what you are given... but you DO IT... It's better to be wrong about something you did thinking it was the best for your children than not to do anything at all... Because when they grow up to become parents in their own right, they understand the sacrifices, the struggle, the difficulty that it is to be a parent and raise a child in this crazy world that gets crazier by the minute. And they will be thankful. But in order for you to have it, you have to do something, to provide love and care and protection and warmth and your best shot to make them happy... Before it's too late... Before it's too late...
1 comment:
Sei tornato... Finalmente... Noi lettori eravamo impazienti di leggere cio che scrivi... ed ecco che torni con una nuova "storia' dei nuovi "pensieri" dei nuovi "soggetti". Un Padre!
L'importanza del Padre nella vita di un Bambino... Tu Bambino che hai vissuto senz... Tu Bambino che ti sei ritrovato solo... Tu Bambino che ti sei ritrovato con una Sola Persona La Madre senza che nessuno ti abbia chiesto un tuo pensiero... Un bambino che un giorno si porra mille domande...
Io dico solo Genitori prima di prendre una decisione ascoltate la voce del Bambino, sara anche piccolo ma ha il diritto di esprimersi... Se non possiede ancora questa possibilita di parlare... dategli la possibilita in un futuro...
Avrei tantissime cose da dire ma mi fermo qui...
Ben tornato Ricardo mio.
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