Friday, January 18, 2013

Fallen Gods...

Some events just make us stop for a long minute and think. About what leads us, as a society, to certain situations. We as public have a responsibility in all of this. It's time to redefine our actual wants and needs, and how we want to function as a human group. Otherwise, we will allow EVERYTHING to have its integrity compromised by interests, money, fame and 15 minutes recognition. 

We have turned sports into a spectacle where the only thing that matters is winning, at all cost. I personally believe that this is too high a price to pay. Not being able to enjoy and believe in the virtues of the very same spirit of competition that drives us in every aspect in life and helps us achieve our goals, whatever they are? Believe that everything can be sorted out with shortcuts and cheats, belittling the importance of the effort and perseverance? Losing appreciation for everything, since everything can be bought, every law can be bent, as long as we don't get caught? We have shaped our society to become something we will grow to despise. And we should not point fingers at one particular person, but at ourselves as a whole. We are failing, as a society...

Lance Armstrong "comes clean" about doping @Oprah's

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