Tuesday, April 28, 2009

geeking ain't easy but somebody got to do it...

Mark Zuckerberg. Let's face it, this guy is nothing more nothing less than the richest drug dealer on earth. His trick? to sell a LEGAL DRUG that has got everyone hooked up!

Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook. Now you see my point. He is what we can commonly call a nerd, a geek, a social misfit. A guy who created the most used social network in the world to date, and he did it from his Harvard dorm room, in 2004. He then developed it to become the billion dollar business it is today; in 2008, he was the youngest person to enter the club of self made BILLIONAIRES in the USA; Viacom, Yahoo, Microsoft have tried to buy his Midas-like enterprise, but he didn't sell it.

Mark is living the revenge of a geek, being the cool guy behind the coolest tool internet had to offer since iRC chat (do you even remember that?); he is young, talented and rich to an extent most of us would never dream to be at age 24. He made loneliness profitable, he helped millions to create the illusion they had thousands of friends, he helped match people with equal centers of interest, who would probably never have the opportunity or the guts to meet in real life...

But there is still something disturbing about that: despite being the hot guy of the moment, the center of attention, he rented an entire club to throw a gigantic party, spent 100 grand to satisfy people who went there to kiss his ass, and still, he was nowhere to be seen, playing wallflower at his own party! The man who gets the planet together, who creates millions of connexions a day, who allowed people to meet and get to know each other in a whole new and different manner seems to still have trouble mingling with the crowd. Like he created facebook for himself, to get "out there" because he couldn't do it in person. Seems like he still can't.
Once a geek, always a geek...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Questionnaire de Marcel Proust

Le principal trait de mon caractère: contradictoire
La qualité que je préfère chez un homme: sa capacité à faire preuve de sensibilité
La qualité que je préfère chez une femme: la fidélité
Ce que j'apprécie le plus chez mes amis: leur disponibilité en cas de coup dur
Mon principal défaut: impulsif
Mon occupation préférée: rêver
Mon rêve de bonheur: vivre en harmonie entouré de ceux que j'aime en bonne santé
Quel serait mon plus grand malheur: je n'ose pas l'exprimer, cela me dévasterait trop
Ce que je voudrais être: quelqu'un de meilleur. On n'est jamais assez bien
Le pays où je désirerais vivre: un mélange d'Italie pour l'architecture, de France pour l'Art de vivre, d'Angola pour l'état d'esprit joyeux, d'île tropicale pour le climat...
La couleur que je préfère: cela dépend pourquoi
La fleur que j'aime: l'orchidée phalaenopsis
L'oiseau que je préfère: je ne suis pas un fan d'oiseaux (merci Hitchcock!) mais à choisir, le colibri
Mes auteurs préférés en prose: Oscar Wilde
Mes poètes préférés: Maya Angelou, Rimbaud
Mes héros dans la fiction: Ulysses
Mes héroïnes préférées dans la fiction: Pénélope
Mes compositeurs préférés: trop de musique et d'inculture pour en choisir un... Mais j'ai un attachement spécial pour la "Lettre à Élise" de Beethoven
Mes peintres favoris: Leonardo da Vinci
Mes héros dans la vie réelle: ma Mère
Mes héroïnes dans l'Histoire: Nzinga Mbandi
Mes noms préférés: Thaïs, Thaïs et Thaïs
Ce que je déteste par dessus tout: avoir des choses à détester et ne pas pouvoir m'en empêcher...
Personnages historiques que je méprise le plus: préfère les comprendre que les mépriser
Le fait militaire que j'admire le plus: je n'ai pas une grande admiration pour la guerre, même si je reconnais qu'elle peut être necessaire. Mais paradoxalement, je dirais la campagne asiatique d'Alexandre le Grand
La réforme que j'estime le plus: --------------------------
Le don de la nature que j'aimerais avoir: la capacité de voler, cela confère aux oiseaux une liberté que je leur envie
Comment j'aimerais mourir: il n'y à pas de "bonne" façon de mourir, mais à choisir, en paix
Etat présent de mon esprit: affuté, il est 6h18 et je n'ai pas dormi encore!
Fautes qui m'inspirent le plus d'indulgence: ceux motivés par la passion.
Ma devise: res, non verba. C'est aussi ma malediction, car je suis très bon avec les mots, et moins bon avec les faits...

Blue Moon...

Blue moon. A rare phenomenon, which became an expression to describe something rare. "Once in a blue moon", something that almost never happens. But again, if it "almost" never happens, it means that sometimes it does. And when it does, what a delight that is! I would never be able to talk about it as well as Richard Rodgers and Lorenz Hart did, back in 1934, when they wrote this beautiful song... Which became an anthem to me ever since I heard Billie Holiday's cover, the most famous to date, the most beautiful to date... I have lived quite a few rare moments in my life. Some of them are really precious to me. Really unforgettable. The last one is still taking my breath away. I wish everyone in this world could live at least one "Blue Moon" moment in their lives. It's just the kind of thing that makes life worth living. Those are moments worth dying for. Blue Moon...

You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold

Blue moon
Now Im no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

TOP 10 of sexy love making songs

10- Now That We're Done, by 112
09- Bump n' Grind, by R. Kelly
08- That's The Way Love Goes, by Janet Jackson
07- Red Light Special, by TLC
06- Freak Me, by Silk
05- Till' The Cops Come Knocking, by Maxwell
04- Freek'n You, by Jodeci
03- By Your Side, by Sade
02- How Does It Feel, by D'Angelo
01- Let's Get It On, By Marvin Gaye

Friday, April 24, 2009

Daddy Issues

A lot of us have daddy issues. Seems like our generation is, more than any other before, filled with absent (alive) dads, single mothers or blended families...
The place of the male figure in a child life is at least as important as the female's one, and is not to be taken lightly, for both boys and girls, in equal importance but different manners. Growing up "looking for a Dad", knowing all along that he is alive and somewhere, near or far, may be a disturbing experience. It may help some to build their lives in a more solid manner, so that they won't repeat the pattern; but it cetainly creates a void and unbalances in a very strong way the life of the abandoned child.

So what is it that made so many fathers "quit their jobs" as parents? Despite being divorced or separated from the mother of their children, they should never forget that the little ones need them, as flawed as they may be, as imperfect as they may be. They have to realize that, it comes a time in a child's life, no matter how good a parent they may be, they will always seem imperfect to their kids. And they are right, because we are not perfect, we all commit many mistakes. But we have to learn from them...

With your children, you do your best and try to work with what you are given... but you DO IT... It's better to be wrong about something you did thinking it was the best for your children than not to do anything at all... Because when they grow up to become parents in their own right, they understand the sacrifices, the struggle, the difficulty that it is to be a parent and raise a child in this crazy world that gets crazier by the minute. And they will be thankful. But in order for you to have it, you have to do something, to provide love and care and protection and warmth and your best shot to make them happy... Before it's too late... Before it's too late...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

PREMIER AVRIL: MATCH DES BLEUS (direct commenté, à ma sauce)

Ricardo Glenn Baptista la meilleure blague de 1er avril: faire croire à la France entière qu'elle avait une équipe de foot! and the winner is... RAYMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOND!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 9:15pm April 1
commentaire en direct: 13min20- et si les bleus arrêtaient de reculer???
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 9:17pm April 1
14min40: coup de chaud, sans conséquences... ouf!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 9:21pm April 1
19min00: Ribéry veut marquer de 30m... c pas tous les jours Noel, Francky!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 9:39pm April 1
36min00: je m'ennuie...
Francis Tognisso at 10:00pm April 1
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:11pm April 1
50min00: un lituanien fait un retourné acrobatique à 30m du but. RAS...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:13pm April 1
52min17: Benzemoule s'échauffe...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:18pm April 1
56min21 benzemoule à la place de gourcuff... ya quoi sur les autres chaînes?
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:19pm April 1
"les Bleus, premiers pas dans la police" sur M6... des bleus qui n'y connaissent rien au boulot, ya déjà ça sur TF1!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:21pm April 1
59min27: Sagna perce, Benzema rate!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:21pm April 1
60min15: Riton vendange une tête...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:22pm April 1
60min50: Ribéry se prend un coude droit dans la gueule!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:23pm April 1
62min17: but? non, mais on se réveille doucement...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:26pm April 1
63min45: Lassana Diarra a failli marquer... il y a un peu de jeu depui quellques minutes.
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:28pm April 1
67min00: 2 têtes bleues ds le vide, le ballon passe...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:31pm April 1
68min50: Ribéry se fait encore casser. trop technique, il agace les lituaniens!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:35pm April 1
73min26: on y croit mais c'est à côté, Gignac tape le petit filet extérieur...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:36pm April 1
75min00:BUT DE FRANCK RIBERY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (on se doutait que ça devait venir de lui...)
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:39pm April 1
77min40: Rbéry se fait hacher les jambes... encore...
Myriam Kamel at 10:42pm April 1
81min00 : Et Michalak, il rentre quand ?:-)
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:45pm April 1
83min40: Henry s'amuse, mais ça ne donne rien...
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:48pm April 1
85min33: Benzema, frappe puissante, mais au dessus!
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:51pm April 1
90min00: +3min
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:54pm April 1
92min38: dernier sprint de Ribéry, encore gâché par Henry
Ricardo Glenn Baptista at 10:55pm April 1
93min00: fini. bonne nuit!