Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Men who are on the road. Businessmen. Big travelers who spend long periods of time away from home. Most of the time, men with some sort of power. Men far away from their homes, away from the "known" public eye. Men are wolves. Men are inebriated with this sense of power and freedom, which they know not how to deal with. Because more than any other species, Humans have a terrible time dealing with loneliness. And male humans are even worse, despite the saying... For them, even if they have wives at home they love and care for, families they would kill for, are trying to provide for, they DO NOT WANT to be alone. They don't even consider it to be cheating. They just need what they need. Sometimes, with no regard for the female they accost. The world is theirs for the taking, so they think they can just go out and take whatever they want from it. Damn human nature... Damn testosterone!


Tatou said...

Non voglio soffermarmi troppo su cio che hai scritto per il semplice fatto che sono d'accordo con te.

Non sono ancora una donna d'affare ma quando lo diventero.. per me questo modo di vita sara come dici tu un "potere"! Un potere che non vorro cambiare con altro... perchè alla fine quando si sceglie di vivere qualche mese lontani dalla famiglia per il lavoro (non prenderei questo come uno sforzo ma piutosto una voglia) tutto cio viene dalla voglia di avere un po di solitudine e di non rinchiudersi in una vita monotona... Quando ritrovi le persone che ami dopo un periodo di assenza i tuoi sentimenti diventano piu forti.

Ho comunque una domanda perche hai utilizato come titolo "Wolves on the road"? Vorrei avere il tuo punto di vista e capire questa metafora tra l'uomo "viaggiatore" e il lupo...

Unknown said...

I wrote this in response to the FB status of a friend who wondered: "wonders why nasty "businessmen" think that airports and hotel lobbies are appropriate places to accost women who clearly don't want anything to do with them... pfffff!!!"
I took my answer out of the context of the question, made it as neutral as it could possibly be regarding the original theme, and there you have it! a different interpretation of the exact same words put together!... it's beautiful to play with words this way!

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